The Lydian Foundation
Executive Summary
The Lydian Foundation is committed to being a global leader in establishing open standards in the emerging world of digital infrastructure. This includes blockchain and related technologies, IoT, artificial intelligence “AI,” digital bias, and how we measure value.
We will steward the development and maintenance of these technology and ethics standards developed and maintained through a “Decentralized” global community. Proposals for standards, evaluation, and acceptance will be considered and refined through assessment, testing, and community support.
The Lydian Foundation adopts and supports all aspects of developing and maintaining open-source protocols, connectors, transactions, audits, validation, and acceptance of any participating members. Using a similar structure similar to the Linux Foundation, our governance and methods will be fully decentralized and operate as a non-profit without conflict with our membership.
Vision Statement
Operating as an open foundation dedicated to developing standards and transparency in our emerging Digital World, the Lydian Foundation provides a path toward cooperation and transparency at this evolutionary juncture.
Computers and technology in their most basic form amplify our human efforts; they do this much faster than we do. This applies equally to noble, misguided, and malevolent human traits, and because these powerful tools are capable of being misused; The Lydian Foundation Is dedicated to setting the highest standards of integrity and transparency in the many aspects of how AI and machine-driven algorithms are used — allowing these valuable tools to have constructive impacts on the wellbeing of humanity and our planet.
Operating as an open foundation dedicated to developing standards and transparency in our emerging Digital World, the Lydian Foundation will provide a path toward cooperation and transparency at this evolutionary juncture.
Mission Statement
The Lydian Foundation develops, establishes, and maintains a secure, open, and decentralized set of standards, protocols, and services to support the growing needs of an ever greater and increasingly collaborative collection of ethical and logistical requirements for a resilient global commerce system, culture, and resilient environment.
Guiding Principles
· Respect for diversity, culture, independence, creativity, and innovation
· Recognize the need for resilience, cooperation, and stability
· Valuing self-responsibility and respect
· Valuing of etiquette, civility, and probity
· Valuing of integrity, transparency, and accountability
· Respecting the value of independent thought
· Navigating an ever-changing condition without unnecessary censorship
· Developing leaders for the future
· Providing perspectives and incentives for positive ESGcentric change
The Lydian Network
The Lydian Network’s name derives from the first minting of Coinage, the “Lydian Lion,” and the fact that the design approach is based on Nature’s nervous system, the Mycelium network. Hence, the “Lydian Network.”
The Lydian Network is a needed evolution of the success and open standards that led the Internet to become the global standard of digital information exchange we use today. We recognize that for the Human Digital Infrastructure network to serve the evolution of our planet’s humanity and wellbeing, it must ethically steward the many manifestations that have stemmed from this ubiquitous computer technology, people, banks, currencies, and management of other critical infrastructures.
The Lydian Network was developed and is maintained by the Lydian Foundation, providing a secure, open, and decentralized set of Network standards, protocols, and services that have been devised to ethically serve the growing needs of an ever greater and collaborative set of standards for supporting a resilient global commerce system, culture, and sustainable environment.
The Lydian Network project was founded on digital methods aligned with a quantum network design. Trust and information security are at the Lydian Network’s very core, where a “Keyless” framework forms a trusted link among sources. Unlike the static Key-based security network we use today, the Lydian Network operates at a level designed to protect information from prying eyes and from becoming subject to nefarious acts of sabotage, theft, and misuse.
Collaboration amongst the users of the network is organized around full transparency while at the same time providing privacy and security to information stores and transactional data. Evidence-based methods and peer-reviewed research have led to the collaborative development of this evolving technology. The Lydian Network is an enabling force for positive and trusted progress among its collaborative membership.
The Lydian Blockchain is constructed to solve some of the most critical issues facing today’s blockchain evolution. Foremost the Lydian Blockchain is a network of several blockchains that provide localization and efficiency to the transactions and records supported by the chain, reducing the energy costs. It significantly increases the transaction time and capacity of many factors of magnitude.
Today blockchain is a nascent technology with many advantages, yet the numerous important challenges it creates are too often overlooked while exploiting its potential benefits. For example:
· Exposure to Quantum Computing hacks, bypassing the security of transactions recorded as static information.
· Scalability: today’s blockchains are not only huge energy black holes, but they are also difficult to scale and expensive to maintain and operate. In contrast, the Lydian Blockchain provides highly scalable deployment, reducing cost and improving transactions by many orders of magnitude.
· Replication of illegal content, i.e., botnet addresses, distribution of copyright information, and a host of undiscovered exploits that are possible and permitted in most global networks, are resolved by the continual rotation of highly resilient methods that defeat quantum hacking strategies and resolve the use of the blockchain for nefarious purposes.
The Lydian RKS[1] architecture has solved many of the issues that faced early blockchain technology, including the majority control vulnerability, static transaction records, replication weakness, and the ability to block defective records, allowing for the recovery of a transaction based on SmartContract rules.
The Lydian Network’s system of incentives and rewards is designed to mitigate all of these pitfalls. Each piece is synergized through the Lydian “circle of trust,” providing a “Whitelisted” network of systems and devices known to the decentralized Lydian Network Core. No “Unauthorized Elements” are capable of performing the Lydian Networks functions. While connections to any form of the current or future network are possible in a similar method used by the Mycelium network, only through jointly trusted relationships are transactions and information shared. Node-to-Node communications evolve into Lydian Communities and, identical to the biological structure, form a fusion that establishes a truly trustworthy way of receiving and delivering information. Through this, the Lydian Network can use any form of current or future networks to facilitate information sharing and transactions in ways that all parties establish trust.
The Lydian Network’s continual rotation of encryption/decryption methods defeats quantum hacking strategies. Rotation is the most secure implementation of cryptographic techniques available. It enables procedures to be changed on a sequential, elliptical, or random basis.
The Lydian Network Heartbeat serves as a central clock that is only available through trusted devices, providing a layer of homomorphic[1] randomness within the Lydian network.
[1] Homomorphic encryption — a form of encryption that permits users to perform computations on encrypted data without first decrypting it. Resulting in computations that remain encrypted and decrypted, resulting in an identical output to that produced had the operations been performed on the unencrypted data.
[1] Rotational Keyless System — RKS, a method of exchange without the requirement for a digital key.